We are a group of people who like to dream, and we believe that life is great because we have dreams. Since we have received the immeasurable love of Christ Jesus and the power that transforms life, we believe it is possible for our dreams to be fulfilled.
Our dream is that Auckland Banner Church will become a place of joy and hope. We love God and our neighbors with great passion, and our expectation is that this is not just a place filled with love, but a place to find love, acceptance, hope, help, guidance, forgiveness, encouragement and excitement.
Out dream is that Banner Church will be a place that spreads love, so the love of Jesus can be reached at every corner in the world.
Our dream is that Banner Church will be a genial big family where we love each other, we learn as a family, and we enjoy the harmony in life filled with laughter.
Our dream is that Banner Church can help every member to discover their gifts and talents and reach their potentials in life, and bless more and more people.
Our dream is that Banner Church can be expanded to the major cities in New Zealand, and New Zealand receives more grace and blessings from God!
Our dream is that Banner Church will send tens of thousands of missionaries to mainland China, Asia, and the other parts of the world to build strong and glorious churches everywhere, so the love and peace of Jesus Christ may cover the whole world.
更新日期: 2024年09月03日